• Politics

North Carolina’s Controversial ‘Bathroom Bill’ Will Likely Be Repealed, Incoming Governor Says

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Updated: | Originally published: ;

Correction appended, Dec. 19

North Carolina Governor-elect Roy Cooper announced Monday that he believes the state’s controversial “bathroom bill,” which banned transgender people from certain bathrooms, will be repealed.

Cooper’s comments followed the Charlotte City Council’s vote on Monday to revise the anti-discrimination city ordinance that originally prompted the state to pass HB2 earlier this year. The controversial statewide “Bathroom Bill” required LGBT people to use the restroom associated with the sex on their birth certificates, and prohibited local anti-discrimination ordinances like Charlotte’s from allowing otherwise.

Minutes after the Charlotte City Council revised their ordinance, outgoing Gov. Pat McCrory announced that the statewide law would be re-considered in a special session on Tuesday.

Cooper, a Democrat who has voiced opposition to the law, said he is optimistic that it will be repealed during the special session.

“Senate Leader Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore assured me that as a result of Charlotte’s vote, a special session will be called for Tuesday to repeal HB2 in full,” Cooper said in a statement. “I hope they will keep their word to me and with the help of Democrats in the legislature, HB2 will be repealed in full.”

But while Cooper seemed assured that the law would be repealed, the Republican legislature has already demonstrated its opposition to the incoming Democratic Governor. Last week, the legislature passed an unprecedented bill that would radically restrict the new governor’s appointments and electoral influence.

The bathroom law drew condemnation from around the country, leading businesses, performers and sports teams to withdraw from the state. During his campaign against McCrory, the incumbent Republican governor, Cooper said the lost business had cost the state millions of dollars. His opposition to the bill may have won him the election.

Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly described the Charlotte city ordinance. It was an anti-discrimination ordinance and was revised on Monday.

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Write to Charlotte Alter at charlotte.alter@time.com