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Snake in Tree Makes For Worst Christmas Surprise Ever

2 minute read

An Australian woman found an extra special ornament on her Christmas tree—a live tiger snake.

The toxic critter was doing its best imitation of a partridge in her pear tree, loitering among the branches of the woman’s Christmas tree in her living room on the outskirts of Melbourne. After spotting the snake, the woman snapped a photo of it and then sealed off the room until professional snake catcher Barry Goldsmith could come take care of Santa’s little cold-blooded helper. According to Goldsmith’s Snake Catcher Victoria’s Facebook post, “20 minutes later [he] had the little bugger in a bag.” Hopefully to be sent straight back to the North Pole in time for Christmas.

As Mashable noted, the tiger snake is a protected species in Australia, so if you find yourself in a similar situation, do not panic and decide to burn down the entire Christmas tree. Instead, keep the endangered animal safe and simply move to another country (or call a professional to take the snake to a better environment in which to celebrate Christmas).

[H/T Mashable]

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