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Seth Meyers Has a Scathing Takedown of Every Trump Cabinet Pick

2 minute read

Late Night host Seth Meyers went all-in Tuesday night with a scathing segment criticizing president-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet picks, suggesting a hypocrisy in Trump’s campaign rhetoric and his ultimate selections.

“I guess when they drained that swamp, there was oil at the bottom,” he said, kicking things off with a critique of Rex Tillerson, the Exxon Mobil CEO who’s now Trump’s choice for Secretary of State. Meyers went on to compare Trump’s latest actions with his populist campaign speeches, in which he insisted he wasn’t even “friends” with “rich people” and made it a point of pride that he was self-funding his run for the White House.

“Trump claimed he wouldn’t be indebted to campaign donors, but his cabinet tells a different story,” Meyers said as he tried to keep it light with references to Grimace the purple blob-like McDonald’s character. But the comedian struggled to keep a grin on his face as he targeted Dancing with the Stars alum Rick Perry, Hewlett Packard executive Carly Fiorina, Goldman Sachs honcho Steven Mnuchin, and Andy Puzder, CEO of CKE restaurant, which owns fast-food outlets like Carl’s Jr and Hardee’s.

Watch the full clip above.

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Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com