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‘Dear Ivanka: I’ve Been Raped and Need to Have an Abortion’

2 minute read

That’s just one of the messages on Dear Ivanka, an Instagram feed that calls on the President-Elect Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, to speak out against her father’s rhetoric against minorities and women.

The Cut reported that the account — which features pictures of Trump with captions of concerns about her father’s presidency — was started by a group called Halt Action Group, which includes curator Alison Gingeras and artist Jonathan Horowitz. As of Tuesday morning, the account had over 7,500 followers on Instagram.

On Monday night, as the New York Times reported, the group behind the Instagram account held a candlelight vigil outside of the Puck Building, which is owned by Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner, in New York. The group carried posters that included many of the same sentiments as the captions on the Instagram account, including “Dear Ivanka, don’t deport our friends” and “Dear Ivanka, EVERY family deserves a family leave plan.”

The group also distributed fliers at the protest explaining their mission and urging the future first daughter to take action. “Because you are an official member of your father’s transition team, we wanted to appeal to your rationality, and your commitment to protecting the rights of all Americans, especially women and children. As your father has said on countless occasions, you are the one who really has his ear,” the flier said, according to the Cut.

Trump was a point of controversy throughout her father’s campaign and presidential transition. She vowed to fight for women’s issues in an informal capacity during her father’s presidency, but critics chastised her for not speaking out against her father’s often offensive rhetoric on women. In October, nearly 2,000 women vowed to boycott her clothing line to protest her silence.

[The Cut, The New York Times]

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Write to Samantha Cooney at samantha.cooney@time.com