Watch This Baby Monkey Become Best Friends With a Goat

2 minute read

Everybody loves a good interspecies friendship.

And the residents of Tonggu County in Jiangxi, China, have a really adorable new relationship to celebrate: a baby monkey that joined farmer Zhong Shu’s herd of goats last week.

“The little monkey has been here for about four or five days,” Zhong told UPI. “It seems the goats made it feel safe. Every time I came to shut goats in the fold at night, I found the monkey was either on the back of this goat or that goat. I tried to feed bananas to the monkey, but it did not eat and held on to the goat tightly,” said Zhong.

Zhong thinks the monkey is treating the goat as a surrogate mother and says the pair have been inseparable, even when the goats leave his farm to graze. But there’s bad news on the horizon for the ad-hoc family: The Tonggu Country wildlife protection agency has plans to take the monkey and transfer it to the nearby Yichun Zoo. It’s unclear if the goats will be granted visitation rights during the ordeal.

Someone please turn this into an animated family film.

This article originally appeared on

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