• Motto

The One Thing You Should Ask Yourself When You’re Struggling

3 minute read

Sometimes, life can be overwhelming. Maybe you’re having a hard time at work, or you’re dealing with some family drama, a breakup or looming credit card debt. Whatever’s on your mind, sometimes it feels like the universe has dumped way too much on your plate. When that happens, it’s hard to stay positive. It’s so much easier to curl up in a ball in your PJs and give in. But when you’re feeling like that, it’s important to change your mindset.

As I’ve touched on before, I’ve been having trouble processing the results of the election. I’ve been feeling low, and it has been a challenge to keep myself and my students upbeat and energized. But then I received a text message from a close friend of mine that helped reshape my outlook.

It read: “Hi, I’m chartering a bus for the women’s march on Washington in January. I’ll send details. Let me know if you and your partner want a ride!”

Now, I’ve never participated in a movement before like this one. I’ve never marched in my life for anything other than a Gay Pride parade float in West Hollywood. But of course I will be on that bus at the crack of dawn on Jan. 21 to march on Washington with other women. The very idea made me feel motivated to get out of my comfort zone and give. Give my time, energy and a chance to participate in change. I can put my finger on the pulse of issues and feel them beating.

When things are hard, and you’re not sure what your next step is, take a minute to ask yourself in your head, “Who do I want to be?” The answer for me is a person who stays positive and makes other people feel good, rather than perpetuate negativity in my life and the lives of others. That vision of my better self is often enough to get me on my feet again.

It can be difficult to tune out the noise of your own thoughts and anxieties. I find asking this question can help me look at my problems and feelings with a clearer focus. This election has been rough for me. But the idea of connecting with people and keeping up the “girl power” movement is something my best self would do. And the image of my best self is what keeps me going.

So when you’re dealing with a problem, take a minute to step back and picture who you want to be. Who is your best self? And what would she do about this issue? She might be the very inspiration you need to get up and running again.

Stacey Griffith is a senior master instructor at SoulCycle and the author of the upcoming book Two Turns From Zero. Stacey’s motivational coaching style combines a passion for dance, athleticism and mind-blowing music—all set to the beat of her voice. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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