Watch Tom Hiddleston March in a Gorilla Suit Like the Committed Actor He Is

1 minute read

Tom Hiddleston has been laying low recently following a tabloid-filled summer, but we’re about to see much more of the British actor as publicity ramps up for Kong: Skull Island. To debut the action movie’s fiery new trailer on Wednesday night, Hiddleston made a stop at Jimmy Kimmel Live in character, although it wasn’t quite his character.

Marching boldly onto the stage in a giant, furry gorilla suit, Hiddleston removed the head to reveal himself beneath it. Even host Kimmel seemed confused as to why the normally dapper Hiddleston had eschewed his usual sharp suits for the outsized costume.

“They told me to,” Hiddleston explains, confused. “Like when Leonardo DiCaprio came on here for The Revenant, he dressed as a bear.” Kimmel then had to admit that Oscar winner DiCaprio has actually never been on his show; someone was clearly lying to Hiddleston to make him look pretty foolish. And a gorilla-clad Hiddleston stomped off to find the culprit.

The Thor actor stars in the new giant primate remake, which from the looks of the trailer seems to be a Jurassic-Park-meets-Pacific-Rim tropical thriller. It’s out in March. Watch it in the clip.


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