• Politics

The Election Got So Negative That an Elementary School Cancelled It

2 minute read

Although its students are too young to vote, Jericho Elementary School was going to hold a mock presidential election so the children could take part in the spirit of the country’s democratic system.

It turns out, the election was too negative for the Long Island, N.Y. elementary school to handle.

Principal Glen Rogers said the school’s teachers decided to do away with the mock election when students started bringing up “things about minorities” in the cafeteria or argue in ways inappropriate for school, ABC 7 Reports.

“Some people were getting angry because some people like Trump and some people like Clinton,” fifth grader Miranda Waterstold ABC 7. “Some people think Clinton’s not good. Some think Trump’s not good. So there’s a lot of arguments going on, and I don’t like that.”

Instead, students are voting on their favorite lunch choices this Friday. The youngsters can mull over the following options: Bagel with yogurt, chicken nuggets, mozzarella sticks or home-brought lunch.

“We wanted to think of something where students could have the experience of voting in preparation for Election Day,” said Rogers to ABC 7. “So at least they would be excited about voting for something.”

[ABC 7]

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Write to Julia Zorthian at julia.zorthian@time.com