• World

Nearly 8,000 People Apply For the Same Job in China

1 minute read

Job seekers in China are competing by the thousands for one position: an officer worker at a political organization.

People registering for China’s civil service exams are required to pick the jobs they are most interested in when they sign up for the test, and this year’s most coveted job is a position as head of the reception office of the China Democratic League in Beijing.

A record-breaking 7,727 people have expressed interest in the job, CNN reports.

While working in a political party’s reception area is probably not the ultimate dream for the droves indicating their interest in the job, the appeal likely comes from its low requirements and location in a big city. Candidates need a bachelor’s degree and two years of experience to qualify for the position.

“When people make choices, they tend to go with the principle of economics,” Zhu Lijia told China Daily. “They want their gains maximized. It is natural for them to choose jobs with better benefits, more opportunities for development and good locations.”

According to China Daily, while positions in major cities like Beijing received significant interest, less developed areas have struggled to draw workers.

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Write to Mahita Gajanan at mahita.gajanan@time.com