• Politics

Watch Elizabeth Warren Turn Donald Trump’s ‘Nasty Woman’ Line Against Him

1 minute read

Sen. Elizabeth Warren used an offhand remark from the third presidential debate against Donald Trump Monday.

Introducing Hillary Clinton at an event in Manchester, N.H., the Massachusetts Democrat tweaked the Republican nominee, who called Clinton a “such a nasty woman” at the debate last week.

“Get this Donald, nasty women are tough, nasty women are smart and nasty women vote,” she said to a cheering crowd. “And on Nov. 8, we nasty women are gonna march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever.”

Warren, who has tangled with Trump sporadically over the past year, also went after Trump over claims from 11 women that he sexually assaulted them.

“He thinks that because he has a mouthful of Tic Tacs that he can force himself on any woman within groping distance,” she said. “Well, I’ve got news for you Donald Trump, women have had it with guys like you. And nasty women have really had it with guys like you.”

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