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Spokane Bar’s “Date Grape Koolaid” Angers Rape Survivors

1 minute read

A new bar in Washington State sparked outrage by naming its grape-flavored daiquiri “Date Grape Koolaid.”

Rape survivors and even Kraft Foods, which makes Kool-Aid, criticized the bar in downtown Spokane — the Daiquiri Factory — for a play on words that they say goes too far. Dozens of protestors gathered outside the bar last weekend to complain about the drink name, the Associated Press reported.

Taylor Malone, the organizer of the protest, told a local news station that the name of the drink is offensive for several reasons.

“As someone who has survived rape twice, the most recent one being three months ago, it tells me and other survivors that our experiences don’t matter and that people either don’t believe us or don’t care about us and that all we are is a punch line,” Taylor Malone said.

The Daiquiri Factory did not respond to a call seeking comment.

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