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Senator Claire McCaskill Had the Perfect Response to Donald Trump’s Body Shaming

2 minute read

The female Democrat Senators want to give Donald Trump a taste of his own medicine.

Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill tweeted out their idea to get Donald Trump back for his body shaming comments – have him weigh himself in public every day.

“The D women Senators have talked & we’re concerned about Donald’s weight. Campaign stress?” McCaskill writes. “We think a public daily weigh-in is called for.”

Trump released a letter from his doctor on Sept. 15, that listed him as 236 lbs., which is considered “overweight” for his 6’3″ height, according to the Centers for Disease Control’s body mass index calculator. The Republican presidential nominee has a BMI of 29.5, half a point away from the “obese” category.

Dr. Mehmet Oz, who analyzed Trump’s medical information on an episode of The Dr. Oz Show, asked the real estate mogul if he ever gets comments about his weight.

“You’re 6’3″, 236 lbs. as I mentioned. Now, in my mind, I’m thinking your body surface area and your BMI is high. It’s probably close to 30, which is sort of the barrier for most people,” Oz asked. “Do your doctors or your family ever give you a hard time about your weight?”

“Yeah, I think I could lose a little weight,” Trump admitted. “I’ve always been a little bit this way. I think that if I had one thing, I’d like to lose weight. It’s tough because of the way I live. But the one thing I would like to do is be able to drop 15 to 20 pounds. It would be good.”

Trump’s long history of body shaming women for their weight and appearance has come out in the days since the presidential debate Monday night, after Hillary Clinton brought up Trump’s treatment of former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, whom he once called “Miss Piggy” and an “eating machine.”

A video that resurfaced Wednesday shows Trump calling out a pregnant Kim Kardashian West for her weight.

“She’s gotten a little bit large. I would say this, I don’t think you should dress like you weigh 120 pounds.”

This article originally appeared on People.com

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