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Watch David Beckham Do Pushups to Live Classical Music While Drinking Wine on Top of a Piano

2 minute read

Retired football star and father of four David Beckham took to Instagram this week to share his journey for the 22 Pushup Challenge. He was challenged by his friend, director Guy Ritchie, to do 22 consecutive days of 22 pushups, bringing awareness to the service men and women who take their lives post-conflict. Beckham has shared three videos of himself partaking in the challenge so far — but it’s his post from Thursday that’s got to be seen to be believed.

“It’s for a great cause, a serious cause,” he prefaces. Other celebrities like The Rock, John Krasinski, and Chris Evans have participated as well.

In the video, a shirtless, pants-less Beckham digs into those push-ups while lying on top of a glossy grand piano, city lights glittering in the distance as seen through a wide window. Piano music lilts in the background. Meanwhile, a few bottles of red wine and a wineglass sit next to him, ostensibly prepared to offer refreshment as soon as he completes the set.

“And as you can see, I’m 79 floors up, I’m lying on top of a piano, and I thought I’d bring a pianist with me. I thought you’d like it, I thought you’d find it romantic,” he explains. “So it’s good night from us, Mr. Ritchie, and beat that.” (The pianist also gives the camera a deadpan lingering gaze.)

Check out his first day’s video (taken while on an airplane — Beckham does the pushups in the aisle, proving travel is no excuse to neglect fitness) and his third day’s contributions as well, below. He also tagged his teenage son Brooklyn Beckham and actor Justin Theroux to participate in the challenge.

Thanks, Beckham for bringing daily attention to the cause.

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Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com