• Politics

How Donald Trump Would Increase the Deficit

4 minute read

If you only read one thing: Donald Trump tried making an emotional appeal to African American voters Wednesday following a pair of police-involved shootings of black men. Speaking in Ohio, he said he thought the officer in the Tulsa incident “choked” and for the first time seemed to empathize with the victims. It comes as a critical moment for Trump, who is betting on lower African American turnout in 2016 because Obama is not on the ballot, but is also seeking to reverse Hillary Clinton’s gains among that community. But in typical Trump fashion, his attempt was clouded by comments that the African American communities were in their “worst shape ever,” which is demonstrably false on all accounts, and his “what do you have to lose” argument that seems to ignore specific policy concerns.

Trump’s economic plans would dramatically increase the national debt, a new analysis finds, as Trump continues to reshape old political battle lines over fiscal policy. Clinton’s plan would essentially maintain the current-law baseline, while Trump’s massive tax cuts and increases in spending would greatly expand the deficit. The findings mark something of a role-reversal for the two parties, as GOP voters who have been hawkish about deficits for years seem to be ignoring the impact of Trump’s policies, while Democrats, who haven’t shied away from deficit spending, are touting the fiscal responsibility of Clinton’s plan.

Obama is dogged by Trump. Bill Clinton defends his foundation. And Trump reveals he dropped the “birther” issue for political expediency.

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Sound Off

“That was so special. He’s an amazing inspiration to so many people, including me.” — Donald Trump at a church in Ohio Wednesday minutes after Don King used the n-word in his introduction

“Well one of the things I’d do … is I would do stop and frisk. I think you have to. We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well. And you have to be proactive.” — Trump to Fox News’ Sean Hannity in a town hall

Bits and Bites

Clinton, Trump decry latest police shootings of black men [Associated Press]

Michelle Obama Has ‘No Sympathy’ for Spouses of Presidential Candidates [TIME]

Trump: I reversed birther stance ‘to get on with’ campaign [Associated Press]

Pro-Donald Trump Super PAC Mistakenly Publishes Private Donor Information [Center for Public Integrity]

Donald Trump Makes Faith-Based Pitch to Black Voters [TIME]

‘Gross Mismanagement’ Added Millions to Cost of VA Hospital, Federal Inquiry Finds [Associated Press]

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen Fires Back at Donald Trump: ‘We Do Not Take Politics Into Account’ [TIME]

Corey Lewandowski to be paid severance by Trump campaign through 2016 [Politico]

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