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Watch This Heroic Driver Rescue a Cute But Stressful Kitten Stranded on a Highway

1 minute read

In a tale that is simultaneously heartwarming and quite stressful, a tiny kitten in Russia was rescued after being stranded in the middle of a Kaliningrad highway after falling out of a speeding car window.

The petite feline spent four seconds sitting in the middle of the road, where several cars almost ran it over before a kind stranger pulled over to rescue the small animal.

Its rescuer was later identified as Denis Degtyarev, who reported to Life.Ru that the cat is unharmed and has already found a new family.

“I checked him quickly as I picked him up, he looked deeply shocked but all right, in that nothing was broken or badly bruised,” Degtyarev said. “There was no blood. I drove it to the sport school which my kids attend, and there friends of ours quickly found him a new family. He is doing well now.”

You can watch the entire heroic episode go down, below.

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Write to Cady Lang at cady.lang@timemagazine.com