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Simone Biles Says Her Relationship Name with Zac Efron Would Be ‘Zimone’

2 minute read

You might have heard of Simone Biles (just the greatest gymnast of all time), and you might have also heard of her charming crush on actor Zac Efron. Biles has been quite busy since meeting the Baywatch actor in Rio de Janeiro in August, what with appearing on TV shows and sitting front row during Fashion Week, but that doesn’t mean he’s not still on her mind.

During a visit to her home gym in Texas for an episode of Vogue‘s rapid-fire “73 Questions” series, the reporter bombarded Biles with a range of random queries as she prepped for practice.

“Alright, now let’s talk about a special guy named Zac Efron,” the reporter finally begins, as Biles grins and giggles. “You two—what’s your dream first date?”

“I think breakfast on the beach,” she responds. Efficient and healthy! She’s also asked what their relationship mash-up name would be (i.e. “Brangelina”), to which she seamlessly responds: “Zimone.” Snappy, we like it.

Some other fun facts: her spirit animal is a honey badger, she still wants to meet Jennifer Lawrence, she’d like to be taller when she grows up, and she’s very secretive about her gymnastics routines (and definitely won’t let the reporter watch her practice). When he asks how he can get her enviably strong abs, her answer is simple: “You can’t.” That’s fair.

Watch the video above for a more tidbits straight from the athlete herself.

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Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com