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Kristen Bell Hilariously Mocks the Gender Pay Gap

2 minute read

Kristen Bell has a modest proposal for businesses looking to cut costs in Pinksourcing, a new short film satirizing the wage gap between men and women in the United States.

Portraying a standard-issue talking head in the corporate video spoof, Bell asks, “Why outsource all your production to faraway countries like India, China and Narnia when we have the cheapest and best workforce right here in the good ole U.S. of A.: women.”

As she strolls past rows of women toiling at desks and cubicles, Bell cheerily rattles off the supposed benefits of exploiting female employees: “Women are a bargain at the workplace since you only have to pay them 77 cents on the dollar,” she says.

Produced by the Huffington Post, Pinksourcing is the first installment of a new comedy series called Celebs Have Issues. Over the course of 10 weekly episodes, the series will take on such issues as equal pay, transgender rights and mental health.

Pinksourcing lands amid increasing discussion about gender inequality in Hollywood and beyond. Other celebrities who have spoken out about the issue include Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Lawrence, Ava DuVernay, Bradley Cooper, Ethan Hawke and more.

Watch Pinksourcing above.

This article originally appeared on EW.com

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