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Here’s What George Takei Has to Say About the ACC Pulling Its Championship Out of North Carolina

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Actor and activist George Takei has been a vehement opposer of the House Bill 2 since it was introduced, and he took to Twitter to weigh in on the Atlantic Coast Conference’s decision to pull their league championship games out of North Carolina in 2016 – 2017 due to the state’s controversial law, which some say can lead to discrimination against LGBT people.

The Star Trek star, who has long championed his political beliefs, tweeted out a message following the ACC’s action, writing to his followers, “The ACC has now pulled its championships out of NC over its bathroom bill. Let’s stop obsessing on where people pee. #YouCanPeeNextToMe”

North Carolina’s HB2 law mandates that state residents must use public bathrooms that match their “biological sex” on their birth certificates. This measure was created in response to Charlotte’s passing of local LGBT non-discrimination protections, which among several matters, affirmed the right of transgender people to use bathrooms matching their gender identity.

See Takei’s full tweet below.

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Write to Cady Lang at cady.lang@timemagazine.com