• U.S.

Man Accused of Killing Son and Wounding Ex-Wife Bragged About It on Facebook Live, Police Say

2 minute read

A North Carolina man allegedly shot and killed his 15-year-old son and wounded his ex-wife before “bragging” about the crimes and confessing to them on Facebook Live while on the lam, authorities said.

Police are on the hunt for Earl Valentine, who they say may be on the way to kill other family members after kicking in the door to his ex-wife’s house on Tuesday and opening fire on his two relatives, according to the Associated Press.

Police spoke to Valentine on the phone after the attack, and he seemed “cold and callous,” Norlina Police Chief Taylor Bartholomew told the AP. “This guy is bragging about it on social media,” Bartholomew added in an interview with CBS North Carolina. “No remorse whatsoever. When we spoke to him on the phone he told us he is basically armed and dangerous.”

In his since-removed Facebook Live video, which police confirmed was posted by Valentine, the suspect said he felt no remorse for what he did and defended his actions. “What’s up everybody? I just killed my [expletive] wife,” Valentine said in the footage, according to CBS. “She lied on me, had warrants taken out on me. She drug me all the way down to nothing. I loved my wife, but she deserved what she had coming.”

It’s unclear whether police have leads on Valentine’s location. Authorities could not be immediately reached Wednesday.

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