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Madonna Called Donald Trump’s Sons the P-Word Then Endorsed Hillary Clinton

1 minute read

Madonna is no undecided voter.

In a scathing Instagram post, the singer officially came out in support of Hillary Clinton by calling Donald Trump‘s two sons, Donald Jr. and Eric a “p-ssy.” The photo, which shows the two brothers on a hunting trip Africa in 2012 holding a dead leopard, reemerged during Trump’s campaign after the contentious killing of Cecil the lion, Huffington Post reports.

Madonna posted this controversial photo with the caption “How Big of. P-ssy Do you have to BE to kill this Noble Animal for sport? Just ask Donald Trump Jr and his brother Eric. One more reason to vote for Hilary!”

According to the Huffington Post, Donald Jr. defended his rights as a hunter and, like his father, poised himself as a hero for his actions. He tweeted, “I can assure you it was not wasteful the villagers were so happy for the meat which they don’t often get to eat.”

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