• Motto

Israeli Performer Kicked Offstage for Wearing Bikini Top

1 minute read

Israeli singer Hanna Goor was forced offstage at a concert on Friday after she refused to button her shirt to cover her bikini top.

According to The Times of Israel, “Concert organizers in the coastal city of Ashdod demanded that she button a shirt she was wearing over the top, and when she refused they ended the performance, claiming that she was dressed immodestly.”

The New York Times reported that the Israeli Ministry of Culture and Sport will enforce a more “modest” dress code at government-sponsored events.“The ministry’s policy, led by the minister of culture, states that festivals and events which are funded by public money will honor the general public that attends the events, which includes all the various sectors and communities,” said a ministry spokeswoman.

But Goor wasn’t happy with their decision. “Immediately after they took me down, I asked for an explanation,” she told Haaretz. In a separate interview with local newspaper Ashdodnet, Goor said, “It wasn’t a provocation but simply a matter of comfort. It’s summer, it’s hot, and we were at the beach.”

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