• Politics

What We Don’t Know About Donald Trump’s Immigration ideas

3 minute read

If you only read one thing: Hillary Clinton’s campaign is playing defense Wednesday over new reports about crossover between the Clinton Foundation’s donor roster and her schedule while at the State Department. Clinton apparently carved out time to meet with donors to the foundation, though her campaign disputes that the meetings represented a large portion of her unofficial meetings or that meetings with philanthropists would be outside the scope of her job. But the controversy, combined with lingering questions about her use of private email, continue to feed the perception of impropriety. That perception is only magnified by the Clinton’s recognition that they will have to dramatically scale back the organization and their role in it should she win the White House—a step that casts a shadow over their past practice.

Like with the Muslim ban before, Donald Trump appears to be softening his position on his previous embrace of “mass deportation” of the 11 million people in the U.S. illegally. In a town hall with Fox News’ Sean Hannity Tuesday, Trump, who campaigned against “amnesty” throughout the primary, appeared to embrace the status quo under the Obama administration—at least rhetorically—as he looks to reverse his terrible poll numbers among Hispanic voters. But like every Trump “policy” the devil is in the details, and he has yet to put out any.

Behind the private jet journey of Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Cher sounds off on Trump. And Ben Carson continues to be the world’s worst surrogate.

Here are your must reads:

Must Reads

Donald Trump Signals ‘Softening’ of Immigration Position
His hardline stance on the issue propelled him to the GOP nomination in the first place [TIME]

Clinton Asks Romney’s Allies for Cash to Stop Trump
Republicans urged to join ‘Together for America Finance Council’ to defeat the GOP nominee [Politico]

Many Donors to Clinton Foundation Met With Her at State
Access appears to have followed checks [Associated Press]

Inside the Exclusive Events Helping to Fund Clinton and the Democratic Party
Clinton is spending much of the month raising money [Washington Post]

Sound Off

“There could certainly be a softening because we’re not looking to hurt people. We want people — we have some great people in this country.” — Donald Trump on his policies on illegal immigration Tuesday

“Anybody who is elderly should expose their records.” — Ben Carson on MSNBC on Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s health

Bits and Bites

Donald Trump Campaign Spending More on Rent [TIME]

Behind the private jet journey of Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin [CNBC]

Donald Trump planning meeting with black and Latino activists [Yahoo]

Liberal, Moderate or Conservative? See How Facebook Labels You [New York Times]

Hillary Clinton’s Fundraisers: No Press Allowed [Wall Street Journal]

Raising Money for Clinton, Cher Sounds Off (and Not Just About Trump) [New York Times]

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