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Amy Schumer, Mindy Kaling, and Other Celebrities Share Their Favorite 7 Films

2 minute read

Over the last few days, Twitter has been all aflutter with the trending hashtag #Fav7Films. It’s pretty self-explanatory: tweet out your seven favorite movies, following in the viral success of the #First7Jobs model. Luckily, some of our favorite celebrities took the time to jump on the bandwagon and share their personal preferences. Between Amy Schumer’s quirky comedy choices and Mindy Kaling’s unexpected affinity for Terminator 2, the tweets are an illuminating insight into the weird interior psychology of these famous personalities. Check them out below.

And if you’re wondering which movie wins the collective award for being a Twitter hashtag favorite? That honor goes to The Dark Knight.

Actor (and Magic Mike XXL scene-stealer) Joe Manganiello couldn’t limit his list to only seven, instead choosing to break it down into a set for both the drama and comedy categories.

Former Saturday Night Live comedian Taran Killam, meanwhile, had a very straightforward list… with an unexpected plot twist at the end.

Even Twitter’s own co-founder Jack Dorsey got in on the action..

Plus plenty of parody accounts and funny people shared their two cents, too.

Of course, trending topics on Twitter move fast: the next big one — already heating up — is #Fav7TVShows.

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Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com