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Brazilian Rugby Player Gets the Best Surprise When Her Girlfriend Proposes at Rio

2 minute read

Brazil’s rugby team didn’t win a medal, but player Isadora Cerullo still had plenty to celebrate in Rio.

After the gold medal rugby match between Australia and New Zealand Monday night, Cerullo was surprised by her girlfriend, Brazilian stadium manager Marjorie Enya, who grabbed the microphone and proposed, BBC Sports reports. Many spectators had left by that point, but there was still a crowd to witness Cerullo gladly accept Enya’s proposal.

“She is the love of my life,” Enya told BBC. “I know rugby people are amazing and they would embrace it.” The couple have been together for about two years.

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Women’s rugby sevens were just added to the Olympics, and Brazil only qualified because they are hosts, according to BBC. Enya and Cerullo, who has dual U.S. and Brazilian citizenship, live in Sao Paolo together so Cerullo could focus on her Olympics training.

Enya and Cerullo look forward to continuing their lives together. Enya said, “The Olympic Games can look like closure but, for me, it’s starting a new life with someone. I wanted to show people that love wins.”

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