Kim Kardashian West: I Don’t Think I’m a Feminist

1 minute read

Kim Kardashian West doesn’t think of herself as a feminist, she said Friday in a keynote interview at the BlogHer 16 conference.

“Everyone always says, are you a feminist?” she said during the interview in Los Angeles. “And I don’t think that I am.”

“I don’t like labels,” she said in remarks reported by BuzzFeed. “I do what makes me happy and I want women to be confident and I’m so supportive of women… But I’m not the ‘free the nipple’-type girl.”

Kardashian West—who has spoken out against body shaming and has posted her share of nude selfies—gave a similar answer last year when asked if she is a feminist.

“I don’t like labels,” she said at an event last year, adding that she wouldn’t use that word but also didn’t distance herself from the phrase. “I guess people would call me a feminist,” she said. “I just do what makes me comfortable.”

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