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CNN Commentator Used Beyoncé to Argue Against Trump

2 minute read

Correction appended, Aug. 3

Among the debates happening around the 2016 election is a question still lingering from the 2008 campaigns: Is President Obama a U.S. citizen? Because there clearly aren’t enough real issues to discuss, former Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski took to CNN to attack the current president on this topic, saying that unreleased Harvard transcripts may provide proof that Obama wasn’t born on U.S. territory.

Unable to fathom why this is still an issue, even after the White House released Obama’s birth certificate in 2011, CNN commentator Angela Rye called upon a higher power for strength: Beyoncé.

In an on-air conversation about Trump’s attacks on Obama, Rye said, “Donald Trump has been attacking the president long before he began campaigning for this important office. He is the one who was the spokesperson for the birther movement and was calling for transcripts and saying that the president was an affirmative action admittee of Harvard.”

“Did he ever release those transcripts, by the way?” Lewandowski responded, interrupting Rye when she came back with the fact that Trump has yet to release his tax forms.

“In this moment, I’m going to Beyoncé you. Boy, bye,” Rye responded. “You’re so out of line right now. Tell your candidate to release his tax returns.”

Here’s the moment of truth, captured on Twitter:

Correction: The original version of this story misstated Angela Rye’s role at CNN. She is a commentator.

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