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This is What Members of Colombia’s FARC Rebel Army Carry in Their Bags

3 minute read

A 31-year-old commander, whose comrades know her as Brenda, has been a member of FARC for 15 years. At first glance, the contents of her bag are obvious: a rifle, machete, pistol and laptop for intelligence missions. But a further look reveals contents we all know and use: shampoo, nail polish, even perfume.

“It’s strangely unexpected but such a human thing,” photographer Federico Rios Escobar tells TIME. “You’re in the jungle sweating a lot, but you can put a little perfume on and smell good even when nobody’s going to see you.”

Thousands have died in Colombia’s five-decade-long civil conflict between right-wing paramilitaries and leftist rebel group FARC—or Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. The hemisphere’s oldest and largest insurgency, FARC’s 16,000-strong force had demonstrated increasing military command and territorial control. Now, as a peace deal has been finalized are finally on the table, FARC leaders say they’re willing to lay down their arms and participate in the traditional political process. For many left-wingers in Colombia, this marks the end of a long and violent dispute. However, others are weary of FARC members leaving the jungle.

“In several remote areas in Colombia, there is no government, no police, no army, no educator, no lawyer, no human rights watcher,” Rios Escobar says. “FARC is all of that. So once they are out of the game, these people would be abandoned by both the state and by FARC.”

A Colombian native, Rios Escobar has been documenting FARC’s daily life for several years, attempting to humanize the players in this bloody South American conflict. Embedding with the 20-something soldiers who sleep just two nights in one place before moving on, Rios Escobar, became interested in the more personal nuances of their work, asking an unexpected question: “What’s in your bag?”

They emptied the contents out onto their makeshift beds and raincoats: All have at least one rifle and one machete, some have a handgun too; Junior, a 16-year-old sniper, carried only the core essentials so he could move fast at the frontline; the radio operator carried the radio and five-pound battery.

Rios Escobar was surprised to find that the women even carried skin and hair products, some lugging around up to seven large bottles of shampoo and conditioner. “If you’re only allowed to carry 50 pounds in your backpack, including food and clothes, why would you decide to carry five bottles of shampoo?” he says. “But that’s important for some women. That is the way she feels comfortable and beautiful and FARC respects that.”

The insurgency is distinct in its inclusion of women, who compose 40% of the group. “Men cook and do laundry and women carry heavy weapons and do camp surveillance,” he says. “They work hard at maintaining that equality and I think that gives them an advantage.”

Rios Escobar hopes that his work allows people to see both sides to the conflict. “When people hear about FARC, they only see robots shooting weapons, but it’s so much more than that,” he says. “FARC—and all armies—is made up people, people dreams and internal fights and goals. These fighters gave up their dreams to join this army because they have a joint cause.”

Federico Rios Escobar is a Colombian photographer.

Alice Gabriner, who edited this photo essay, is TIME’s International Photo Editor.

Rachel Lowry is a writer and contributor for TIME LightBox. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

The backpack carried by 31-year-old FARC commander, "Brenda." She has been a member of FARC for 15 years. Besides, her rifle, pistol, and commuter for intelligence mission, she always has space in her backpack for nail polish and perfume.  Her boyfriend is also a member of FARC.
The backpack carried by 31-year-old FARC commander, "Brenda." She has been a member of FARC for 15 years. Besides, her rifle, pistol, and commuter for intelligence mission, she always has space in her backpack for nail polish and perfume. Her boyfriend is also a member of FARC.Federico Rios—Native
Revolution Backpack
"Brenda," is a 31-year-old commander who has been a member of FARC for 15 years. Besides a rifle, pistol. and laptop for intelligence missions, in her backpack she also carries nail polish and perfume. Her boyfriend is also a member of FARC.Federico Rios—Native
"Katherine," 20-years old, has been with FARC for seven years. She has five older brothers, all of whom are guerrilla fighters. Katherine is a nurse who works with the FARC medical team. Her nine-month-old daughter lives with her grandmother.
"Katherine," 20-years old, has been with FARC for seven years. She has five older brothers, all of whom are guerrilla fighters. Katherine is a nurse who works with the FARC medical team. Her nine-month-old daughter lives with her grandmother.Federico Rios—Native
Didier, 37 years old, has been with FARC for 19 years. He carries an AK47 and a laptop for intelligence missions.
Didier, 37 years old, has been with FARC for 19 years. He carries an AK47 and a laptop for intelligence missions.Federico Rios—Native
"Junior " is a 20-year old, who has been with FARC for seven years. He has attended several training courses to learn sniper fire and accuracy for special weapons. He uses tactical binoculars to calculate the distance between the target and the shooter. In order to move through the jungle swiftly, his luggage is lightweight.
"Junior " is a 20-year old, who has been with FARC for seven years. He has attended several training courses to learn sniper fire and accuracy for special weapons. He uses tactical binoculars to calculate the distance between the target and the shooter. In order to move through the jungle swiftly, his luggage is lightweight.Federico Rios—Native
"Mariana", 24-years old, has been with FARC for five years.She joined FARC because she was a victim of paramilitary violence in northern Colombia.
"Mariana", 24-years old, has been with FARC for five years. She joined FARC because she was a victim of paramilitary violence in northern Colombia.Federico Rios—Native
"Felipe," 30-years old, has been with FARC for 14 years. He has been shot in the head and the leg. He limps and has loss of vision in one eye from battle wounds.
"Felipe," 30-years old, has been with FARC for 14 years. He has been shot in the head and the leg. He limps and has loss of vision in one eye from battle wounds.Federico Rios—Native
"Marcela", 18-years old, has been with FARC for two years. She is from an indigenous community that was attacked by a paramilitaries, and afterward she jointed FARC. As a radio operator, she carries a lot of gear for the group, including a laptop, radio, and batteries.
"Marcela", 18-years old, has been with FARC for two years. She is from an indigenous community that was attacked by a paramilitaries, and afterward she jointed FARC. As a radio operator, she carries a lot of gear for the group, including a laptop, radio, and batteries.Federico Rios—Native
Andres, 24-years old, has been with FARC for 8 years. He has expert knowledge of the shallow rivers in the jungle, important terrain for moving troops.
Andres, 24-years old, has been with FARC for 8 years. He has expert knowledge of the shallow rivers in the jungle, important terrain for moving troops.Federico Rios—Native
"Oswaldo," 22-years old, has been with FARC for 10 years. Because OswaldoÕs position is on the frontline, he is armed with heavy artillery. His weapon is handcrafted to combine a .50 rifle and a machine gun.
"Oswaldo," 22-years old, has been with FARC for 10 years. Because OswaldoÕs position is on the frontline, he is armed with heavy artillery. His weapon is handcrafted to combine a .50 rifle and a machine gun.Federico Rios—Native
"Carlos," 19-years old is a radio operator and electrician with FARC. The radio requires a four pound battery which he carries, along with tools to repair machinery.
"Carlos," 19-years old is a radio operator and electrician with FARC. The radio requires a four pound battery which he carries, along with tools to repair machinery.Federico Rios—Native
The backpack and M15 rifle that belong to "Glodis", a 33-year old who has been a FARC member for 19 years. She uses the  brush attached to her bag to wash clothes.
The backpack and M15 rifle that belong to "Glodis", a 33-year old who has been a FARC member for 19 years. She uses the brush attached to her bag to wash clothes.Federico Rios—Native

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