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Chelsea Clinton Talks Ivanka Trump, Breastfeeding and Upcoming DNC Speech

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Chelsea Clinton said she’d be open to sitting down with gal pal Ivanka Trump to discuss their warring parents’ heated battle for the presidency.

The longtime friends have found themselves on opposing sides as their respective parents, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, go head-to-head for the White House. But during a Thursday appearance on the Today show, Clinton, 36, said she’d consider a “daughter’s summit” with Trump, 34, to discuss the not-so-kind words their parents have said about each other on the campaign trail.

“It isn’t something that had occurred to me, but it’s certainly something I would consider. I think it was clear last week when Ivanka introduced her dad that she’s so proud of him,” the mom of two told Matt Lauer after the anchor asked if she would convene with Trump to discuss the “tone” of the election.

“I don’t expect [Ivanka] to always have to defend her father. I mean, I think it’s clear that Mr. Trump is running his campaign and saying what he thinks is important in this election … my mother’s not engaging in divisive, bigoted rhetoric.”

Clinton will take to the Democratic National Convention stage on Thursday to introduce her mother ahead of the presidential hopeful’s acceptance speech. Clinton said she and one of her mother’s speech writers, Megan, wrote the address and described practicing as a “working mom moment.”

“Yesterday, I was breastfeeding Aidan and practicing with Megan, and she was giving me feedback and I was exchanging ideas,” she said. “Even Aidan has contributed to the speech.”

Clinton spoke highly of Hillary, noting that the election means much more to her as a mother.

“As proud as I am of my mom, this election to me is fundamentally about my children, about Charlotte and Aidan,” she said. “And I couldn’t imagine a better president for them. I couldn’t imagine a better grandmother for them, either.”

During their campaigns, both Donald and Hillary have traded jabs with each other with the businessman calling Hillary a “world-class liar” and the Democratic nominee has referred to Donald as a “bully,” NBC News reported.

“I hope it will be kind of – at least as clear – why I’m so proud of my mom when I introduce her here in Philadelphia,” Clinton told Lauer. “And yet clearly, Ivanka and I have very different views about who we think should be our president.”

Clinton and Trump, a mom of three, developed a friendship over the years when their parents were friends.

Although both women have said that their friendship has never been about politics, Clinton recently revealed that, if given the chance, she would ask Trump about her father’s declared dedication to women’s rights.

“It would be that question, ‘How would your father do that?’ It’s not something he’s spoken about,” Clinton said during a Glamour magazine panel on Tuesday.

“There are no policies on any of those [women’s issues] … on his website – last week, not this week.”

Trump recently told PEOPLE that although there is “tremendous intensity” in both her and Clinton’s lives right now, the two are still friendly.

“We’re both incredibly supportive of our parents, as we should be,” Trump said. “But we also continue to have great respect for one another.”

This article originally appeared on People.com

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