• Politics

Millennials Think Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Are Worse Than Voldemort

2 minute read

Hillary Clinton is beating Donald Trump among millennials, but both presidential nominees are viewed negatively by the youngest generation of voters, according to a new poll released Wednesday.

The survey—touted as the first to be conducted exclusively among millennials in battleground states during this election cycle—found that 75% of millennials view Trump unfavorably, compared to 22% who view him favorably. Clinton performed slightly better but still has work to do with millennial voters, as 63% said they view her unfavorably and 31% viewed her favorably.

Millennials rated both Trump and Clinton less favorably than Lord Voldemort—the notorious villain in the Harry Potter series. About half (49%) of millennials viewed him unfavorably. The survey was conducted by Global Strategy Group and released by NextGen Climate, an environmental advocacy organization founded by billionaire Tom Steyer, who has endorsed Clinton.

Among millennial likely voters surveyed, 51% said they would vote for Clinton, compared to 30% who said they’d vote for Trump in a one-on-one general election matchup. In a four-way election contest including Green Party candidate Jill Stein and Libertarian Gary Johnson, 43% of likely voters said they’d vote for Clinton, followed by 24% for Trump, 15% for Johnson and 7% for Stein.

One fifth of millennial likely voters (20%) said they were “Sanders Holdouts” who would have supported former Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders in an election against Trump, but will not not support Clinton.

The poll, conducted online between June 29 and July 11, surveyed 1,664 adults, ages 18 to 34 in 11 swing states.

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Write to Katie Reilly at Katie.Reilly@time.com