• Politics

Looking Ahead to the Democratic Convention

3 minute read
Stephen Voss

If you only read one thing: Another night at the GOP convention and another distraction, this time from Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s decision not to endorse Trump. His high profile address was met with jeers and boos and he seemed to echo many of the same campaign attacks he used against Donald Trump. Near the end of the speech, Trump had enough, emerging from his family suite where he was awaiting his son Eric’s speech, to enter the arena to vast applause moments before Cruz concluded his speech. Moments later, the arena erupted in boos, as at least some Trump whips encouraged the expression of disapproval. The commotion seized the spotlight from Indiana Gov. Mike Pence’s vice presidential acceptance speech. The controversy continued into Thursday morning, as Ted Cruz refused to back down in a contentious session with his own delegation and Trump aides and surrogates laid on criticism on Cruz. The speech was a pricey wager by Cruz, made all-in by Trump’s decision to challenge him for the limelight, over who will take more of the blame from GOP primary voters should Trump lose. Cruz is betting that the big loser will be Trump, while Trump, who has always found targets on which to shove the blame for failed enterprises, can simply point to this speech should the time come.

Pence’s workmanlike address would have been home in any Republican convention, appealing for national unity. He and Trump represent an odd pair, with Pence serving as the conventional counterpoint to Trump’s stream of surprises.

In TIME’s Democratic Convention preview issue, Philip Elliott and David Von Drehle explore the hidden side of Hillary Clinton and her struggle to earn the trust of voters and Charlotte Alter writes on what women think of Clinton.

Here are your must reads:

Must Reads

Ted Cruz Makes a Big Gamble With Convention Speech
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Sound Off

“I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father” – Ted Cruz in a contentious session with Texas GOP delegates

“Senator Cruz, the strict constitutionalist, chose not to accept the strict terms of the pledge that he signed.” — Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort mocks Cruz for his decision not to endorse Trump

Bits and Bites

Joe Klein: An Unhinged Republican Convention and the Nation’s Greatest Test [TIME]

The most interesting thing to watch at RNC isn’t the speeches. It’s the Trump VIP box. [Washington Post]

When Was America Last Great? Here’s What Republican Delegates Said [TIME]

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