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Woman Gets Stuck in Tree While Playing Pokémon Go in a Cemetery

1 minute read

A woman in New Jersey was rescued by firefighters after getting stuck in a tree while playing Pokémon Go in a cemetery.

The woman, described by police as a “young adult,” climbed a tree inside Eglington Cemetery in Clarksboro, N.J. in an attempt to catch Pokémon, WCAU reported. Firefighters from the East Greenwich Township Fire and Rescue got her out of the tree with a ladder after she called 911. When rescuers spoke to her, she reluctantly admitted she had been playing Pokémon Go.

“She was a bit embarrassed at that point,” township fire chief Rob Gould III told WCAU.

The fire and rescue team posted photos from the rescue to its Facebook page, and warned players of the video game phenomenon to “take heed of the warnings and be careful not to put yourself into bad situations.”

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Write to Mahita Gajanan at mahita.gajanan@time.com