• Politics

Women’s Group EMILY’s List Publishes Anti-Donald Trump Website

2 minute read

The pro-Hillary Clinton group EMILY’s List is widening its campaign against Donald Trump on Tuesday with a new website that targets the Republican presumptive nominee for his comments about women.

The website, called Women Can Stop Trump and to be published Tuesday, features videos from some of Trump’s more combustible moments and snippets from some of the businessman’s well-documented name-calling, including “bimbo” or “fat pig” and asks visitors to pledge to defeat him.

“Women made up 53% of voters in 2012, and if we turn out again to vote this year we can single-handedly stop Trump. Join our fight,” the website implores visitors, according to a preview provided to TIME.

The website will appear on the second day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland and is part of EMILY’s List digital campaign. EMILY’s List, which seeks to get women elected to office, endorsed Clinton the day she launched her campaign in April 2015 and made a $1.5-million digital advertising buy last week targeting millennial women.

Trump’s comments about women have repeatedly become fodder for Democrats and pro-Clinton forces seeking to defeat the Republican candidate in the fall. The pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA released an advertisement in May that featured women repeating Trump’s comments, and Clinton herself has repeatedly criticized him for his comments about women.

The EMILY’S List website features comments Trump has made like “putting a wife to work is a dangerous thing,” and that there should be “some form of punishment” for women who have abortions, a comment that Trump later walked back.

“Trump is simply unfit to be president. He’s a dangerous, divisive fraud who is well-known for his history of offensive anti-woman comments and behavior,” said Stephanie Schriock, president of EMILY’s List. “With a candidate like him, it’s no surprise that more women than ever are stepping up to stop him at the ballot box.”

Trump has said “I’m going to be really good for women,” and said Clinton is “playing the woman card.”

The EMILY’s List initiative is another example of Clinton allies using mock-up websites as platforms to attack Trump. As part of a digital assault on the Republican nominee, Clinton’s campaign launched the artofthesteal.biz to attack Trump’s business record and Priorities USA Action launched wecanstophate.com to highlight comments seen as bigoted.

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