• Motto

100 Nude Women Protested the RNC

2 minute read

The Republican National Convention kicked off in Cleveland on Monday ripe with Donald Trump and Mike Pence supporters. And 100 women with no clothes on, there in protest.

In May, artist Spencer Tunick made an appeal for 100 women to come to Cleveland to protest Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention. The catch? These women would stand nude with mirrors facing Quicken Loans Arena, all as part of his exhibition called “Everything She Says Means Everything.”

Over 1,800 women applied for the exhibition, but only 100 could participate, according to Esquire.

While greeting them, Tunick said, “This is for you and this is for our future. We will shine your light and power onto the RNC. We’re going to shine the light of women into this arena.”

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Tunick and the women gathered at a secret location early in the morning on Sunday. Tunick’s wife Kristen, who usually stays home with their daughters while he curates exhibitions, came to Cleveland for moral support. She explained, “I had to be at this one. This one is important. I felt like I had to do something, as an artist and a woman. This is the first time I’ve felt so called to action.”

Some women involved in the piece spoke openly about their political beliefs. Cathy Scott is a Republican but wants to make a statement to Trump. She told Esquire: “Donald Trump has said so many outrageous, hateful, inflammatory things. He underestimated his female, Republican vote. I feel like he shot himself in the foot a little bit. I don’t think he knows there’s a black, single, 35-year-old mom, like me, who is listening to what he’s saying. I don’t think he knows I’m in his political party—and that’s unfortunate.”

Another woman, Sasha Paskewitz, believes the protest focuses less on Trump; she cares more “about creating positive energy around the RNC and to create light where there maybe isn’t as much.”

Tunick’s photoshoot went off without a hitch, and no one, including Tunick, was arrested. Tunick called the photoshoot “nice and calm and peaceful.”

To see the shoot (most are not safe for work) and read the rest of Esquire‘s article, click here.

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