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Turkey’s Hurting Tourism Industry Could Be the Next Victim of the Istanbul Attack

7 minute read

Istanbul’s main airport was operating again on Thursday morning, less than two days after the devastating gun and suicide bomb attack here that killed at least 44 people. At the international arrival hall, workers replaced shattered panes of glass and affixed new tiles to the ceiling. Luggage in tow, travelers emerged from the baggage claim arriving from cities like Geneva, Mombasa and Riyadh, part of stream of travelers into and out of Ataturk airport, the third-busiest in Europe. At the near the taxi stand outside, black-clad police stood guard, guns at the ready.

The message was unmistakable: The machinery of trade and tourism in Turkey was still running, despite a recent wave of armed attacks that increasingly target ordinary civilians and foreign visitors. The attacks have devastated tourism, but the fact that the airport was open for business was a sign that the system has already adapted to a new normal of almost routine violence.

Read More: Turkey Has Become the New Front of ISIS’s War on the World

“We hope it will be over as soon as possible, but I think they’re not going to come to Turkey because of the attacks,” says Ahmet Sakar, 23, a clerk at a tourist agency booth in the arrival hall at Ataturk. “We’re waiting.”

In fact the airport reopened almost immediately following the attack on Tuesday night, with some flights continuing to land in spite of the chaos at the terminals. By contrast, it took twelve days for flights to fully resume at the main airport in Brussels following the March 22 attack there, which was claimed by ISIS militants. (Though ISIS hasn’t claimed the attack in Istanbul, Turkish and U.S. officials strongly suspect the terror group carried out the suicide bombings.)

Photographing Turkey’s Hidden War

Kurdish Syrian refugees from kobani, Syria wait near the Turkish-Syrian border, Sept. 2014, as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISIS) began an attack on the city, eventually overtaking it in Oct. 2014. Children and elderly crossed mine fields separating Kobani from the Turkish border, in an effort to flee the fighting. According to UNHCR, 170,000 inhabitants of Kobani took refuge in the camps in Turkey.
Kurdish Syrian refugees from Kobani, Syria wait near the Turkish-Syrian border, Sept. 2014, as the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIS/ISIL) began an attack on the city, eventually overtaking it in Oct. 2014. Children and elderly crossed mine fields separating Kobani from the Turkish border, in an effort to flee the fighting. According to UNHCR, 170,000 inhabitants of Kobani took refuge in the camps in Turkey.Emin Ozmen— Le Journal
Kurds in Suruc, Turkey, opposite the Syrian city of Kobani, during the Spring festival of Newroz, March 17, 2015 .
Kurds in Suruc, Turkey, opposite the Syrian city of Kobani, during the Spring festival of Newroz, March 17, 2015 .Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Refugees from Kobani, Syria line up at the Turkish-Syrian border in Suruc, Turkey to support the Kurds fighting against ISIS, Jan. 2015
Refugees from Kobani, Syria line up at the Turkish-Syrian border in Suruc, Turkey to support the Kurds fighting against ISIS, Jan. 2015Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
People gathered during a funeral in Istanbul, Oct. 2015, following the twin bombings at a peace rally in Ankara, the Turkish capital, where about 100 people were killed and hundreds more were wounded.
People gathered during a funeral in Istanbul, Oct. 2015, following the twin bombings at a peace rally in Ankara, the Turkish capital, where about 100 people were killed and hundreds more were wounded.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Turkish Armed Forces at the Turkish- Syrian border as clashes escalated between the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIS/ISIL) militants and pro-Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) forces, Sept. 2014.
Turkish Armed Forces at the Turkish- Syrian border as clashes escalated between the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIS/ISIL) militants and pro-Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) forces, Sept. 2014.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Tanks of the Turkish Armed Forces line the Turkish-Syrian border, as clashes intensified between the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL/ISIS) militants and pro-Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) forces, Sept. 2014.
Tanks of the Turkish Armed Forces line the Turkish-Syrian border, as clashes intensified between the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL/ISIS) militants and pro-Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) forces, Sept. 2014.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Destruction in Cizre, southeastern Turkey where Turkish special forces have been fighting the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). Families returned to their destroyed homes, March 2016.
Destruction in Cizre, southeastern Turkey where Turkish special forces have been fighting the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). Families returned to their destroyed homes, March 2016. Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
A barricade built by members of the Revolutionary Patriot Youth Movement (YDG-H), Sirnak, Turkey, Jan. 2016.
A barricade built by members of the Revolutionary Patriot Youth Movement (YDG-H), Sirnak, Turkey, Jan. 2016.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Turkish police fire tear gas on protesting Kurds, after the election appeared to deliver a clear victory to the party of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) led by President Recep Erdogan, Diyarbakir, Turkey, Nov. 2015.
Turkish police fire tear gas on protesting Kurds, after the election appeared to deliver a clear victory to the party of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) led by President Recep Erdogan, Diyarbakir, Turkey, Nov. 2015.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Men investigate a basement where 28 people were killed by Turkish special forces, Cizre, March 2016.
Men investigate a basement where 28 people were killed by Turkish special forces, Cizre, March 2016.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Supporters of Turkey's pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party (HDP) celebrate in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir after polls closed. Turkey's long-dominant Justice and Development Party (AKP), led by President Recep Erdogan, won a parliamentary majority, Nov. 2015.
Supporters of Turkey's pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party (HDP) celebrate in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir after polls closed. Turkey's long-dominant Justice and Development Party (AKP), led by President Recep Erdogan, won a parliamentary majority, Nov. 2015.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Thousands of Kurds celebrate the Newroz Spring festival in Diyarbakir, southern Turkey, March 2016, after months of fighting between security forces and Kurdish separatists. Nowruz, the Farsi-language word for 'New Year' is an ancient Persian festival, celebrated on the first day of Spring in the Central Asian Republics, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan and Iran.
Thousands of Kurds celebrate the Newroz Spring festival in Diyarbakir, southern Turkey, March 2016, after months of fighting between security forces and Kurdish separatists. Nowruz, the Farsi-language word for 'New Year' is an ancient Persian festival, celebrated on the first day of Spring in the Central Asian Republics, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan and Iran.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Fatma Tetik sits near a wall with threatening graffiti written by Turkish special forces. Her husband, Ali Tetik, was killed during fighting between Turkish special forces and PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party), Cizre, March 2016.
Fatma Tetik sits near a wall with threatening graffiti written by Turkish special forces. Her husband, Ali Tetik, was killed during fighting between Turkish special forces and PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party), Cizre, March 2016.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Aftermath of violent clashes between the Turkish government and PKK rebels, Cizre, Turkey, March 2016.
Aftermath of violent clashes between the Turkish government and Kurdish PKK rebels, Cizre, Turkey, March 2016.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Zahide Onen stands in the wreckage of her home that was hit by a Turkish military rocket, while she and her family slept, Derik, Turkey, Dec. 2015.
Zahide Onen stands in the wreckage of her home that was hit by a Turkish military rocket, while she and her family slept, Derik, Turkey, Dec. 2015.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Walking past a make-shift barricade, a man carries his daughter to the hospital in a wheelbarrow, Nusaybin, Turkey, Dec. 2015.
Walking past a make-shift barricade, a man carries his daughter to the hospital in a wheelbarrow, Nusaybin, Turkey, Dec. 2015.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
A bedroom that was hit by a rocket during clashes between PKK and Turkish special military forces in Nusaybin, Turkey, Dec. 2015.
A bedroom that was hit by a rocket during clashes between PKK and Turkish special military forces in Nusaybin, Turkey, Dec. 2015.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
A family stands near their home that was damaged during fighting between government troops and separatist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) fighters, in the Kurdish town of Silopi, near the border with Iraq, Jan. 2016
A family stands near their home that was damaged during fighting between government troops and separatist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) fighters, in the Kurdish town of Silopi, near the border with Iraq, Jan. 2016Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Turkish special forces patrol the streets in the Kurdish town of Silopi, southeastern Turkey, near the border with Iraq. Jan. 2016.
Turkish special forces patrol the streets in the Kurdish town of Silopi, southeastern Turkey, near the border with Iraq. Jan. 2016.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
A child carries metal scraps in the ruins of Cizre, southeastern Turkey. The city suffered during 78 days of curfew imposed by the Turkish government in an attempt to suppress militants, March 2016.
A child carries metal scraps in the ruins of Cizre, southeastern Turkey. The city was ht hard during the curfew imposed by the Turkish government in an attempt to suppress militants, March 2016.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Kurdish fighters use a sheet as protection against Turkish special forces snipers, Nusaybin, Turkey, Feb. 2016.
Kurdish fighters use a sheet as protection against Turkish special forces snipers, Nusaybin, Turkey, Feb. 2016.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
A child plays in his house that was damaged during fighting between government troops and separatist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) fighters, in the Kurdish town of Silopi, southeastern Turkey, near the border with Iraq, Jan. 2016.
A child plays in his house that was damaged during fighting between government troops and separatist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) fighters, in the Kurdish town of Silopi, southeastern Turkey, near the border with Iraq, Jan. 2016.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Young boys climb a platform adorned with flags during ‎Newroz celebrations in Diyarbakir, Turkey, March 2016. In southeastern Turkey clashes between Turkish military security forces and the Kurdish separatists resumed in the summer of 2015 after a two-year cease fire.
Young boys climb a platform adorned with flags during ‎Newroz celebrations in Diyarbakir, Turkey, March 2016. In southeastern Turkey, clashes between Turkish military security forces and the Kurdish separatists resumed in the summer of 2015 after a two-year cease fire. Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Portraits of Derik's Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) members who have been killed by Turkish security forces over the last 40 years hang on a wall, Derik, Turkey, Dec. 2015.
Portraits of Derik's Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) members who have been killed by Turkish security forces over the last 40 years hang on a wall, Derik, Turkey, Dec. 2015.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Members of the Civil Protection Units (YPS), a Kurdish rebel group, warm up and play music near a fire in the YPS headquarters in Nusaybin, Turkey, Jan. 2016. The YPS was formed at the end of 2015 as a result of curfews imposed by the Turkish security forces and increased clashes.
Members of the Civil Protection Units (YPS), a Kurdish rebel group, warm up and play music near a fire in the YPS headquarters in Nusaybin, Turkey, Jan. 2016. The YPS was formed at the end of 2015 as a result of curfews imposed by the Turkish security forces and increased clashes. Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Members of Civil Protection Units (YPS) stand near a barricade, Idil, Turkey, Jan. 2016
Members of Civil Protection Units (YPS) stand near a barricade, Idil, Turkey, Jan. 2016Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
A member of Revolutionary Patriot Youth Movement (YDG-H) shows a bullet used during clashes against Turkish special military forces, Nusaybin, Turkey, Dec. 2015.
A member of Revolutionary Patriot Youth Movement (YDG-H) shows a bullet used during clashes against Turkish special military forces, Nusaybin, Turkey, Dec. 2015.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Police use tear gas and a water cannon against protesters during a demonstration calling for the end of the curfews in Sur, Cizre and Silopi districts Diyarbakir, Turkey, Jan. 2016.
Police use tear gas and a water cannon against protesters during a demonstration calling for the end of the curfews in Sur, Cizre and Silopi districts Diyarbakir, Turkey, Jan. 2016.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
A funeral for a victim of clashes between PKK and Turkish special forces in the Kurdish-dominated southeast of Turkey, Jan. 2016.
A funeral for a victim of clashes between PKK and Turkish special forces in the Kurdish-dominated southeast of Turkey, Jan. 2016.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Mourners at a funeral for twelve people who died in the Kurdish towns of Cizre and Silopi, southeastern Turkey. They were killed during a period of curfews imposed by Turkish security forces attempting to oust Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) rebels from urban centers, Jan. 2016.
Mourners at a funeral for twelve people who died in the Kurdish towns of Cizre and Silopi, southeastern Turkey. They were killed during a period of curfews imposed by Turkish security forces attempting to oust Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) rebels from urban centers, Jan. 2016. Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Mourners attend a funeral for twelve people who died in Cizre and Silopi, southeastern Turkey, during a period of clashes and curfews imposed by Turkish security forces, Jan. 2016.
Mourners attend a funeral for twelve people who died in Cizre and Silopi, southeastern Turkey, during a period of curfews imposed by Turkish security forces, Jan. 2016.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
Mourners at a funeral in Sirnak, Turkey, for a victim of the clashes between PKK and Turkish special army in Cizre, Jan. 2016.
Mourners at a funeral in Sirnak, Turkey, for a victim of the clashes between PKK and Turkish special army in Cizre, Jan. 2016.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
A family mourns the death of their 17-year-old son, Kasim, who was killed when the building he was in was destroyed by Turkish special forces, Cizre, Turkey, March 2016.
A family mourns the death of their 17-year-old son, Kasim, who was killed when the building he was in was destroyed by Turkish special forces, Cizre, Turkey, March 2016.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal
A man walks in the ruins in Cizre, Turkey. The city was badly damaged during the clashes between Turkish security forces and the Kurdish PKK militants, Cizre, Turkey, March 2016.
A man walks in the ruins in Cizre, Turkey. The city was badly damaged during the clashes between Turkish security forces and the Kurdish PKK militants, Cizre, Turkey, March 2016.Emin Ozmen—Le Journal

But any attempt to project an air of normality at the airport stood juxtaposed with the still raw trauma of the attack, the deadliest ever on an airport. On Thursday afternoon, hundreds of airline employees, travelers and officials filled a section of the cavernous departure hall for a memorial service. The crowds ringed a table laid out with the portraits of 15 slain airport workers and officials. The rows of screens over the check-in counters displayed black ribbons in place of destinations. Taps played over a loudspeaker before an imam led the crowd in prayer. Uniformed airline workers wiped away tears as they followed along with the preacher’s voice cracking with emotion.

The suspected ISIS militants who stormed the terminal on Tuesday struck one of the jewels of Turkey’s modern economic renaissance. The airport is a crossroads for travelers from all over the planet, a major transit point between Europe and the Middle East, and a symbol of Istanbul’s ambitions of being a paramount world city. On Tuesday night it was the scene of carnage.

Read More: Caught In the Middle of a Civil War Between Turkey and Its Kurds

Turkey—once seen as a haven of stability—can no longer escape the crises in the wider Middle East. One key source of instability is the five-year-old war in neighboring Syria, in which more than 400,000 people have died, and where the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad continues to battle an armed political insurrection. The chaos has forced millions of Syrians to flee and provided a foothold for extremist groups such as ISIS, which has been blamed for at least five attacks inside Turkey in the last year.

Turkish authorities are also grappling with violent domestic unrest. Last year the state resumed a decades-old conflict with Kurdish separatists, displacing more than 350,000 people in Turkey’s heavily-Kurdish southeast. Kurdish militants have also claimed a separate series of attacks that have killed both security forces and civilians. On June 10, a militant splinter group called the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons, which has claimed some of the deadliest recent attacks in Turkey, issued a statement warning foreign tourists: “You are not our targets, but Turkey is no [longer] secure for you.” Turkey has suffered at least eight major attacks attributed to either ISIS or Turkish militants over the last year.

A woman reacts as family members, colleagues and friends of the victims of Tuesday's blasts gather for a memorial ceremony at Ataturk Airport in Istanbul on June 30, 2016.
A woman reacts as family members, colleagues and friends of the victims of Tuesday's blasts gather for a memorial ceremony at Ataturk Airport in Istanbul on June 30, 2016.Emrah Gurel—AP

The killings have lacerated the tourist industry. In May 2016, tourist arrivals were down 35% compared to May 2015. Barring further terror attacks, Turkey will pull in tourism revenues of $18 to $20 billion, down from $18-$20 billion in a good year, according to analyst Wolfango Piccoli of the consulting firm Teneo Intelligence. Taking into account direct and indirect income, tourism accounts for as much as 12 percent (or $96 billion) of Turkey’s GDP.

Until recently, ISIS had mostly focused on attacking pro-Kurdish activists in Turkey and other opponents in an extension of its battlefield in Syria, where it is pitted against the Kurds. But over the past year it has begun targeting civilians in Turkey as well. The recent attacks include two bombings at iconic Istanbul tourist destinations, including one in the historic Sultanahmet neighborhood in January and another in the usually thriving shopping and leisure district on Istiklal street. “The risk of attacks remains substantial,” says Piccoli. “The question here is whether ISIS has shifted its strategy to continue to attack the tourism industry because it’s a soft underbelly, at the same time not paying much attention to whether the victims are Turks or foreigners.”

The decline in tourism has also coincided with a period of growing rancor in Turkey’s relations with other world powers. After the military shot down a Russian fighter jet along the Syrian border in November 2015, a diplomatic crisis erupted. Russian President Vladimir Putin imposed sanctions on Turkey—long a popular destination for Russian vacationers—hampering tourism and economic ties.

Read More: Deadly Bombings in Turkey More Evidence Terror Has Come Home

That rift closed on June 29 when Putin spoke with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, resolving the row between the two countries. Putin also reportedly agreed to lift restrictions on Russian tourism in Turkey. The diplomatic rapprochement was striking, but the two countries remain on opposite sides of the civil war in Syria, with Russia supporting the Assad regime and Turkey backing the rebels.

Erdogan’s government also restored ties with Israel on June 27, stabilizing relations with yet another estranged regional player. The agreement ended a crisis resulting from the Israeli military’s killing of nine activists on board a Turkish-backed aid flotilla attempting to break the blockade of the Gaza Strip in May 2010.

On an inter-state level, the recent attacks on civilians in Turkey could push the country toward closer coordination with other countries. That includes compelling the government to take a more active military role in the fight against ISIS—something Washington has long urged Erdogan to do. “From a Turkey perspective, there is a hope that this will be a further sign indicating there is a need for furthering cooperation,” says Piccoli. “The problem is that the Turks have always been difficult partners in this kind of cooperation. The way they do antiterrorism is a bit different from the way in which other countries might want to do it.”

At Ataturk airport on Thursday afternoon, tourism workers were pessimistic. “In my opinion, nobody will come, except terrorists,” said a 47-year-old clerk at one tour agency in the arrival hall, who spoke on condition that his name be withheld for fear of reprisal. He was back at work, having survived the attack on Tuesday night by fleeing down an escalator with a crowd of terrified travelers. “If they don’t find any solution in Syria, it will continue like this.”

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