Watch Daniel Radcliffe Answer a Bunch of Adorable Kids’ Harry Potter Questions

1 minute read

Daniel Radcliffe may be in the midst of his promotional tour for Swiss Army Man — a film in which he stars alongside Paul Dano as a flatulent corpse — but that doesn’t stop people from asking him the occasional Harry Potter question. Of course, that’s doubly true when the interviewers happen to be a group of kids.

The 26-year-old actor recently sat down with Entertainment Weekly to respond to the (mostly) wizarding world-themed queries of a bunch of young children — expectedly adorable results ensued.

While all the questions were pretty great, 7-year-old Olive’s, “How do you make broomsticks fly?,” and 4-year-old Stella’s, “Harry Potter, do you like my English accent?,” were probably the two standout entries.

Watch the full video below.

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