Lindsay Lohan Is Writing a Book About ‘How to Overcome Obstacles’

2 minute read

Are we on the verge of a Lindsay Lohan renaissance? Besides a new commitment to healthy living and her recent slew of very politically informed Brexit tweets, the nearly 30-year-old starlet also announced that she’s in the process of writing a book.

In an email interview with Vanity Fair, the former child star and actress shares her excitement for chronicling her life so far, as she approaches her 30th birthday on Saturday.

“I am in the process of writing a book, and I am very excited to share my personal experiences in life and how to overcome obstacles,” Lohan wrote. “I hope that my words will connect with those who need some guidance when [or] if they are in a tough place. I am grateful that I have a voice, which I can now feel comfortable using as a platform to let people know that we all have ups and downs in life, and we can all come up from the downs if we get in touch with our inner self and spiritual side.”

Written like a mature, 30-year-old sage! La Lohan also disclosed that she has lots coming up for her on the horizon — including more films, starting a charity and possibly having children. She also reflected on what she would have done differently in her younger years.

“If I could, I would have listened more to my mother and gone back home to N.Y.C. earlier in life and chosen my friends more wisely.”



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