This Really Excited Kid Got an Exclusive Interview With Kanye West—For 9 Seconds

1 minute read

What happens when you get the chance to interview one of the biggest celebrities in the world? Do you freeze up? Do you panic?

Not this young superfan at Disneyland earlier this week.

It’s unclear how he ended up on a carousel with the hip-hop star, fashion designer and future presidential candidate, but he definitely was not going to waste his shot at asking the important questions of the prophet of our age.

“Kanye West, the boy!” he starts. Meanwhile, off-camera, you can hear a voice that might be his mother imploring him to get going. But he’s determined to make the most of his moment with West, who grins widely throughout the brief exchange.

“How — how did you write ‘I Love Kanye?” the kid asks.

“I just thought about what I loved,” West responds.

“Right here, the man!” he sums it up. Indeed.

Watch the full clip below — if only to experience the unfiltered mutual euphoria of the fan and the star.

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