• Entertainment

Watch a 13-Year-Old Comedian Burn Donald Trump on America’s Got Talent

1 minute read

Lori Mae Hernandez may not think she’s qualified to babysit your children but she’s definitely qualified to land a joke. The 13-year-old stand-up comedian made an appearance on Tuesday’s episode of America’s Got Talent and delivered a routine that earned a standing ovation from both the judges and audience.

Hernandez — who explained that she got into comedy after her dad was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy and it became harder for him to smile — started her bit by talking about the disconnect between the skills of babysitters and the job they are tasked with doing. “My only qualification to be a babysitter is that I used to be a baby,” she said. “That’s crazy. That’s like saying, ‘Hey, you’re sick a lot, you want to be my doctor?'”

However, her last line — which seemed to be directed at presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump — was what really got everyone laughing.

Watch the full clip below.

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Write to Megan McCluskey at megan.mccluskey@time.com