Welcome to Mismatch 2016

3 minute read

If you only read one thing: Call it the asymmetric campaign. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are waging vastly different campaigns with opposing theories of the case of what it takes to win—and govern—the country. While Trump runs a show, Clinton is trying to set up a campaign. Where he is mercurial and rash, she is calculated and predicable. She is constricted by practicality, while he doesn’t seem to mind if what he says is factual. Each camp is convinced they have the right model to win this fall and they can’t both be right.

President Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton Thursday following a meeting with Bernie Sanders. In a video message, apparently recorded days earlier, Obama called Clinton the most qualified person for the job, and declared himself “with her.” He also praised Sanders’ influence in the race, saying it would help the party defeat Donald Trump in November. But the praise was more of a participation gift as Obama sought to show Sanders the door and unify the party. Sanders said after his meeting with Obama that he will not drop out until Tuesday’s District of Columbia primary and reiterated he will fight for his agenda through the Democratic convention next month.

Obama stepped quickly into his role as one of Clinton’s best surrogates, appearing on the Tonight Show in a taped segment in which he lambasted Trump’s influence on the GOP and the country. The pair are set to campaign together in Wisconsin next week, when Obama’s newly recovered favorability ratings will be put to use.

Elizabeth Warren backs Clinton and bashes Trump. Clinton emails linked to drones. And Ben Carson proves again why he’s a terrible surrogate.

Here are your must-reads:

Must Reads

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: Mismatch 2016
TIME goes behind the scenes to examine the two different strategies to win the White House—and run the country [TIME]

President Obama Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
The President joins the #imwithher crowd [TIME]

Donald Trump’s Diversity Coalition to Advise Republican Party
Outside advisors plot general election strategy [TIME]

Emails in Clinton Probe Dealt With Planned Drone Strikes
Some vaguely worded messages from U.S. diplomats in Pakistan and Washington used a less-secure communications system [Wall Street Journal]

Sound Off

“My voters don’t care and the public doesn’t care. They know you’re going to do a good job once you’re there.” — Donald Trump to TIME on why he doesn’t feel the need to get detailed about policy

“I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office.” — President Obama in his endorsement of Hillary Clinton

Bits and Bites

Obama on Trump: ‘Orange Is Not the New Black’ [TIME]

Elizabeth Warren Endorses Hillary Clinton on Rachel Maddow Show [NBC]

Carson says Trump knows judge attack was wrong [Politico]

Pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC Launches Website on ‘Trump Lies’ [TIME]

Bernie Sanders Signals at Reconciliation After Meeting President Obama, But Doesn’t Back Hillary Clinton [TIME]

Donald Trump, Courting Vital Bloc, Is to Speak at Christian Forum [New York Times]

Bill Clinton and Orrin Hatch Among Speakers at Muhammad Ali’s Memorial [New York Times]

Donald Trump’s Business Plan Left a Trail of Unpaid Bills [Wall Street Journal]

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