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Dana Carvey Has Perfected His Donald Trump Impression

2 minute read

Donald Trump is the impression of the year, according to Conan O’Brien, so when noted impressionist Dana Carvey stopped by his show, naturally O’Brien asked him to weigh in.

Carvey, who polished his presidential impressions when he played President George H.W. Bush on Saturday Night Live, had been working on his take on Trump, who he views as a “Batman villain.” Carvey was able to whip out a few ideas of what a possible President Trump could be saying post-World War III. “We had a fabulous nuclear war. It was fabulous,” said Carvey as Trump. “Your bunkers look terrific. The Chinese bunkers are a disaster.”

Carvey admitted that he didn’t know where his Trump impression was going, as it was becoming more free form the longer he played with it and the longer the presumptive Republican presidential nominee stayed in the spotlight, a concern that O’Brien understood, as he has been working on an impression of former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for years.

Carvey who is promoting his new television show First Impressions, proved he is the master of the art form by also treating the Conan audience to his take on Bernie Sanders and Bill and Hillary Clinton.

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