• Entertainment

Jon Stewart and a Pony Drop by Samantha Bee’s Show Full Frontal

1 minute read

On Monday night, beloved former Daily Show host Jon Stewart made a visit to to one of his comedy protégées, Samantha Bee.

The visit starts sincerely enough, with Bee thanking Stewart for coming.

“Anything you need you know you can always call me, I’m so happy to be here,” a casually-dressed Stewart tells Bee. As a correspondent on The Daily Show for 12 years, Bee was known for her absurd but cutting satirical segments — and an impressive ability to keep a straight face while asking ridiculous questions. But with her own weekly show on TBS, Full Frontal, perhaps the student has surpassed the teacher.

“I’m pretty I heard that sure you gave up show business to go and professionally massage livestock,” Bee tells Stewart. The conversation, as you can imagine, devolves from there.

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Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com