For the Record

2 minute read

‘He actually performed a public service by raising the debate.’

Eric Holder, former U.S. Attorney General, referring to fugitive leaker Edward Snowden’s disclosure of secret documents about American surveillance programs; Holder added that Snowden should still be punished for breaking the law


Estimated monthly rent for the nine-bedroom house the Obama family will move into after leaving the White House, in the posh Kalorama neighborhood of Washington, D.C.


Length in miles of an undersea cable Microsoft and Facebook are planning to build, connecting Virginia to Spain

‘Their souls speak to us.’

President Obama, on a historic visit to Hiroshima on May 27, remembering the 140,000 killed when the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on the city during World War II; Obama called for an end to nuclear weapons

‘This week was a massacre.’

Giovanna Di Benedetto, a spokeswoman for Save the Children in Sicily, after more than 700 migrants trying to reach Europe drowned in the Mediterranean Sea in the span of three days

The X-Files

Revival may return to Fox for the 2017–18 season, execs say



X-Men: Apocalypse

Topped the box office but fell short of earlier installments amid bad reviews

‘Four women doing any movie on earth will destroy your childhood?’

Melissa McCarthy, actor, responding to online critics who object to the female-led cast of the upcoming Ghostbusters reboot, in which she stars


Percentage of dead or dying coral in a portion of the Great Barrier Reef off Australia, according to a survey

‘The President that U.S. citizens must vote for is not that dull Hillary … but Trump, who spoke of holding direct conversation with North Korea.’

Han Yong Mook, who described himself as a Chinese North Korean scholar, in an editorial published by North Korean state media outlet DPRK Today, supporting Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton for U.S. President


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