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Who Cares If Hillary Clinton’s New Hire Used to Drop the F-Bomb on Twitter?

2 minute read

Jess McIntosh, the former vice president of communications at EMILY’S List, was hired as the director of communications outreach for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Normally, that would not be news. Congratulations! A person got a new opportunity in her career!

However, because this is the 2016 presidential election, the conservative-leaning news site Breitbart announced the news with an article titled: “New Hillary Clinton Hire Likes to Say F—k on Twitter.”

The article presents tweets dating from 2011 and 2012 in which McIntosh exercises her right to free speech on social media. Her tweets occasionally have colorful language.

Yet the article seems to portray these tweets as some kind of analysis of her character. “McIntosh also uses the word to describe her eating habits,” the article said, before adding in a tweet from 2013 in which McIntosh “ate the f—k out of a bagel.”

“Macintosh used the word to describe her movement around Washington, D.C., and other places in the country in 2013,” the article says, then adding the following:

McIntosh acknowledged the ridiculousness of the “controversy” with her own swear-free tweet last night:

Gasp! A woman who curses! In public! What exactly is the problem with someone occasionally spouting off the f-bomb when venting? Is it because she’s supposed to be a professional and cursing isn’t professional? Is it because it’s…”unladylike”? Would anyone care if she were a man?

Or maybe it’s because scrolling through five years of tweets didn’t turn up anything more, well, damning on McIntosh than her f-bombs.

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