This Bag Will Physically Stop You from Overspending

1 minute read

An Australian company has created a purse that will literally snap shut to stop shopaholics from overspending. Unfortunately the kind of blasé $173 bag only comes in one color, so you can’t even get multiples to match your different outfit choices.

Credit Card Finder said that it was distressed to find that 2/3 of credit card holders spent more than $500 every month and almost half don’t pay the full bill. So it created an iBag that uses various smart technologies to prevent overspending.

Using GPS chips, the bag starts flashing its LED lights every time you’re in a “danger spending zone” — also serving as a reminder that hey, you’re fave store’s around the corner. Sale rack? The bag also texts “responsible others” when you’re in said “danger zones” and locks itself shut during peak spending times. That might make things difficult if you, say, tend to shop and buy sandwiches on your lunch break.

I think we’ll stick with our Kate Spades for now.

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