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Top U.S. Intelligence Official: ISIS Has ‘Capacity’ for Paris-Style Attack in U.S.

1 minute read

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said ISIS is capable of attacking the U.S. using similar strategies as the group did in attacks on Paris and Brussels within the past six months.

“They do have that capacity,” Clapper said in an interview with CNN, the network reported Wednesday. “That’s something we worry about a lot in the United States, that they could conjure up a raid like they did in Paris or Brussels.”

ISIS claimed responsibility for November attacks in Paris that left 130 people dead and the March attacks on the Brussels subway and airport that killed more than 30 people and injured 300.

In interviews with CNN, President Barack Obama and other national security advisers said the U.S. faces less of a threat than Europe, and they emphasized efforts to prevent such attacks.

Clapper said ISIS would “infiltrate people or incite people who are already here” in an attack on the U.S. He used December’s San Bernardino shooting, in which two people inspired by foreign terrorist groups killed 14 people, as an example of how such an attack could occur.



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Write to Katie Reilly at Katie.Reilly@time.com