It All Comes Down to Indiana

4 minute read

For Ted Cruz, it all comes down to Indiana. Tuesday’s primary is a crossroads for the GOP race: Will the party look to continue the battle to stop Donald Trump‘s nomination with a contested convention, or is it ready to start rallying behind him? Cruz, who trails by as much as 15 points in recent surveys is betting it all on the state, amid a fundraising crunch and an exhausting schedule. His hail Mary selection of a running-mate before the primary, combined with the backing of the state’s governor, Mike Pence, could help narrow the gap in the final days—or, like most traditional endorsements, fall by the wayside in the year of Trump. Trump, meanwhile, is growing confident about his chances, predicting a swift end to the fighting. If Trump pulls off another win, he’ll be on a clear path to winning 1,237 delegates before the convention.

Meanwhile, Cruz’s efforts to woo delegates for a potential contested convention continues to show signs of success and indications that his success might not hold should he continue losing states. In Arizona and Virginia this weekend, Cruz’s team secured slots for their loyalists over Trump’s, boosting their second-ballot odds. Additionally, in New Hampshire, anti-Trump forces locked down slots on the influential convention committees, which will govern the gathering in Cleveland. But it may all be for nothing, as some delegates who are backing Cruz are softening their opposition to Trump as he moves closer to the nomination.

Bernie Sanders‘ vaunted fundraising operation slowed down in April, raising $20 million less than the prior month and putting him at parity with Hillary Clinton for the first time in months. Both raised about $26 million for their campaigns, with Clinton raising a further $10 million for the Democratic Party. In a Sunday press conference, Sanders tried to argue that he has a narrow path to victory, calling on super-delegates from states that backed him to switch their allegiance. Short of that, Sanders stands to be mathematically eliminated from the nomination as soon as this week, and top aides are already contemplating how to bring about a rapprochement with the Clinton campaign.

President Obama made his final appearance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Attorney General Loretta Lynch visits a prison. And why Marco Rubio isn’t backing Cruz.

Here are your must-reads:

Must Reads

Ted Cruz Doubles Down on Indiana as Campaign Struggles
TIME’s Philip Elliott on the embattled candidate’s turnaround promise

A Confident Trump Seeks Knockout of Cruz in Indiana
Ahead in polls, Trump eyes victory [Associated Press]

Attorney General Loretta Lynch Gets a Glimpse of Life on the Inside
TIME’s Maya Rhodan follows the nation’s top law enforcement official to prison

Ted Cruz’s Support Softens Among the Delegates He Courted
Throwing convention strategy into doubt [New York Times]

Trump Rallies Leave Some Cities With a Security Bill
A week of violent protests spotlights funding challenges [Wall Street Journal]

Sound Off

“We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country. And that’s what they’re doing.” — Donald Trump at an Indiana rally Sunday

“You’ve got to admit it, though, Hillary trying to appeal to young voters is a little bit like your relative just signed up for Facebook. ‘Dear America, did you get my poke?'” — President Obama at his final White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Bits and Bites

Ted Cruz Refuses to Say He Won’t Support Donald Trump [NBC]

Attorney General Says Bathroom Bills Show ‘Change Is Difficult’ [TIME]

Watch President Obama’s Full Routine at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner [TIME]

Michael Bloomberg Blasts Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders in Commencement Speech [TIME]

Bob Knight Explains Why He Endorsed Donald Trump [TIME]

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence Endorses Ted Cruz [TIME]

Why Rubio Hasn’t Endorsed Cruz [Politico]

Sanders Renews Push for Superdelegates [Wall Street Journal]

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