See Chris Christie Dance at a Bruce Springsteen Concert

1 minute read

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was rocking out at the Bruce Springsteen concert in Brooklyn on Monday night.

Footage shared by Gawker and Gothamist shows the former Republican presidential candidate singing, clapping, waving his hands, air drumming and playing the air guitar.

It was definitely not his first Springsteen concert. In February, the politician tweeted from one he called “#136.” He has been a fan of “The Boss” since he was a teen and once described himself as “friends” with the musician in the past, though the feeling may not always have been mutual. For instance, the rock star, who has campaigned for Democrats, turned down an invite to perform at Christie’s inauguration. And in 2014, the rocker sang a parody of “Born to Run” about “Bridgegate” with Jimmy Fallon on his late-night show.

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