• U.S.

Man Bites Off Brother’s Ear in Super Bowl Brawl

1 minute read

In a Super Bowl brawl gone horribly wrong, a man in New York state allegedly bit part of his brother’s ear off. Yes, really.

According to police documents obtained by the Smoking Gun, Sean Fallon-Nebbia, who reportedly shared “a bottle and a half of Southern Comfort and also Jack Daniels” with his brother Frank, punched his younger brother in the face several times in a post-game fight. He also bit his brother’s ear so hard it’ll never be the same again. According to the police report, Frank was permanently disfigured.

Sean’s girlfriend Audra Babcock reportedly witnessed the whole debacle and told police in a statement that the two brothers were drunk and that they “really just love each other.”

[The Smoking Gun]

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