• World

The U.K. May Not Name a Vessel Boaty McBoatface After All

1 minute read

The United Kingdom may not name a new marine research vessel Boaty McBoatface despite an overwhelming online vote to use that comedic name, a government official said.

The government will consider the more than 7,000 names suggested by members of the public before deciding the name of the ship, said Jo Johnson, the country’s science minister. The head of the U.K.’s Natural Environment Research Council will have the final word on the name of the $300 million ship, which will be used for research expeditions.

“We want a name that lasts longer than a social media news cycle and reflects the serious nature of the science it will be doing,” said Johnson, according to a Guardian report.

The name Boaty McBoatface received more than 124,000 votes from the public in a poll conducted by the government. That’s 80,000 votes more than the closest competitor—Poppy Mai.

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Write to Justin Worland at justin.worland@time.com