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U.K. Will Be ‘Permanently Poorer’ If It Leaves E.U., Says Treasury Secretary

1 minute read

Chancellor George Osborne has warned United Kingdom residents that the nation would be “permanently poorer” if it leaves the European Union.

BBC reports that a Treasury analysis found that if the U.K. exits the E.U., its economy would be 6% smaller in 2030 than if it stays.

“The conclusions could not be clearer. Britain would be permanently poorer if we left the E.U. to the tune of £4,300 for every household in the country. That’s a fact everyone should think about,” Osborne said.

Detractors say that a prediction out as far as 2030 can be disputed, and that the Treasury hasn’t always made accurate forecasts in the past.

There’s a vote on E.U. membership scheduled for June 23.

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Write to Tessa Berenson Rogers at tessa.Rogers@time.com